The Union of Latvian Large Families Associations has started the implementation of the project "TIME FOR GROWTH!".

The project will include the structural reorganization of the Union to become an effective coordinator of the large family network in Latvia.

Project funding will strengthen the organization's internal capacity to provide systematic advocacy for large families.

Project budget: 10 305.36 EUR

The aim of Union of Latvian Large Families Associations is to develop of a broad network of Latvian organisations for large families, to act as a coordinator of this network and to achieve long-term cooperation between organisations. The Union wants to strengthen its position in shaping the national political agenda regarding family policies.

The Project “TIME FOR GROWTH!” foresees:

  • to reorganize the organisational structure of the Union, to develop management and cooperation procedures that would facilitate the Union's capacity to reach and involve more family organisations in the network;
  • to promote the visibility of the public image of the Union through social networks, to rebuild the website so that it becomes more transparent, user-friendly and informative in English as well, and to ensure that the views of the Union are reflected on social media;
  • develop the capacity of the Human Resources in order to in order to raise (permanent) funding for regular large-family support activities organised by the Union.

More information available on the website: AIF projekts